Found a tutorial for this box on someones blog and thought I linked it to my list of favourits, so that I would find my way back to it, and give the blogger some credit for making the original, but I can't find it... if you recognice the box, and can help me find its maker, I would be wery happy!
This picture showes a bit better that it actually is a box... Really easy to make, lots of opportunities with windows, closing and containment ;) Mesures 3*3 inches...
Laget rund åpning, får se hva som skal oppi når jeg vet hvem som skal få den...
Don't know what to put inside the box until I know who will get it...
3 kommentarer:
Koselig boks da! Vet hvor stor det stempelet er, så klarer å se for meg akkurat hvordan den ser ut...:)
Deilig blåfarge da!
Klem Tove
Så flott den boksen var da. kjempefint å gi bort en liten ting oppi der. koselig motiv og farge.
OI den var stilig! Ser ikke så altfor vanskelig ut, nei, og så hadde du dekorert den så fint!
Klem fra Hanne:)
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